Tony Hyun Kim
The problem of electron motion in an arbitrary field of nuclei is an importantquantum mechanical problem finding applications in many diverse fields. Fromthe variational principle we derive a procedure, called the Hartree-Fock (HF)approximation, to obtain the many-particle wavefunction describing such a sys-tem. Here, the central physical concept is that of electron indistinguishability:while the antisymmetry requirement greatly complexifies our task, it also of-fers a symmetry that we can exploit. After obtaining the HF equations, wethen formulate the procedure in a way suited for practical implementation ona computer by introducing a set of spatial basis functions. An example imple-mentation is provided, allowing for calculations on the simplest heteronuclearstructure: the helium hydride ion. We conclude with a discussion of derivingphysical information from the HF solution.
A How to access the paper’s programs
All of the numerical computations in this paper were conducted in Matlab, and allscripts can be found at : There, one finds the following subdirectories:1. “first/”: This section contains the scripts responsible for the results presented inSection 5. The two-element basis set used for the calculation is called “minimalSTO-3G”, where each basis function is a linear combination of three Gaus-sian functions. Many years of work by quantum chemists and applied math-ematicians have gone into developing sophisticated and efficient mathematicalroutines involving Gaussian functions. (In particular, for calculating Eq. 26).2. “hartreeiteration/”: These are the programs used for conducting the first twoiterations of the Hartree method (Section 1.1). There is an app to compute Eq.2, and also to produce Figure 2 of the paper.3. “scrap/”: In the paper, I did not discuss the sophisticated routines involvingGaussian functions. Hence, I attempted to implement a simpler HF solver withstraightforward “brute force” methods for computing the necessary matrices.To my surprise, I found that it took over three minutes to compute (to terribleaccuracy) a single basis function integral (Eq. 26). Since we need to performhundreds of such integrations for a single HF run, this implementation is totallyimpractical, and was eventually “scrapped”.4. “second/”: Over the course of this paper, it was realized that the helium hydrideion produces identical results for the Hartree-Fock method and the Hartreeiteration. (This follows because the exchange term of HF is always zero forN= 2.) Hence, I worked on a four-electron system: namely, two-interactinghydrogen molecules. However, I have not yet established the correctness of thenumerical results, so they were never incorporated into the paper.Finally, to produce Figure 5, I utilized the impressive “Volume Browser” programwritten by Eike Rietsch, obtained from the MATLAB Central File Exchange: