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Atomic and Molecular Calculations of Physical and Chemical Properties

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The Relativistic Self-Consistent Field

 Bertha Swirles

 Bertha Swirles - Wikipedia

Quantitative solutions by Fock's equations for the self-consistent field, including exchange effects, have now been obtained for the normal state of Na+, and for the normal and some excited states of neutral Li and Na, by Fock and Petrashen, and for the normal and the (2s) (2p)3P and 1P excited states of neutral Be, by the present authors. The work here described was undertaken as the first step in carrying out the solution of Fock's equations for heavier atoms; calculations for Cu+, in progress at the time of writing, will carry this a step further. The effect of the inclusion of exchange terms on the self-consistent field may be expected to be particularly large for a negative ion, on account of the sensiticeness of the wave function of the outer (nl) group of such an ion (and, to a less extent, of those of the other groups of the outer shell also). This, of course, is likely to make the process of solution of Fock's equations more than usually difficult and lengthy for a negative ion, and made the project of obtaining such a solution appear somewhat ambitions; but, on the other calculations, are greatest when the difference from the solution of the self-consistent field problem without exchange is greatest, and for this reason it seemed desirable to carry out the solution of Fock's equations for at least one negative ion.





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