To download the files to a file on your computer using a browser, hold down the shift while clicking with the mouse. To decompress gz files, use gunzip. To untar files, use tar -xvf name.tar
Test Program for class. Compile with f90 command on HP, Sun, or DEC (may differ on other computers). This will produce an `a.out' executable file. The program also may be compiled using a simple Makefile; type make test.
Modular F90 codes for 1-d and radial Schrodinger equation using Numerov method
Gzipped Tar file of Programs for atomic calculations in the Local Density approximation (presently only for spin unpolarized.
Gzipped Tar file of Programs for Plane Wave empirical potential and empirical tight-binding calculations for bands in crystals written by W. Mattson.
The makefile included in the main directory must be edited for different machines. It calls makefiles in the subdirectories that do not need to be edited. You must link to LAPACK libraries on your machine. Links for the MRL DECs, EWS workstations (working 4/2001) are included.
Codes Below not available yet
Programs for Monte Carlo Calculations:
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Last Modified April 6
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