Univ.-Prof. Dr. Enrico Arrigoni
TU Graz - Austria
Content of this lecture
1 Introduction: atoms and electromagnetic waves
2 Failures of classical physics
Blackbody radiation
Photoelectric effect
Line spectra
3 Wave and Particle duality
Double-slit experiment
Light carries momentum: Compton scattering
Matter (Electrons) as waves
4 Bohr’s atom
5 The wave function and Schr¨odinger equation
Euristic derivation of Schr¨odinger equation
Time-independent Schr¨odinger equation
Interpretation of the wave function
Summary: Schr¨odinger equation
6 Quantum mechanics of some simple systems
Free particle
Particle in a box
Generalisations of the particle in a box
Tunnel effect
Three-dimensional box
7 Principles and Postulates of Quantum mechanics
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
8 Angular momentum and electron spin
First step: “particle on a ring”
Second step: “particle on the surface of a sphere”
Electron spin
9 The Hydrogen atom
Schr¨odinger equation and separation of variables
Qualitative solution
Classification of atomic orbitals
10 Many-electron atoms and the periodic table
Pauli principle
Building-up principle
Hund’s rule