- Top of the text,
- Exercises
- Theory of Selfconsistent Field,
- Top of the text,
- Table of Contents, ....(this file - lindex.html)
- About the Calculations
- General instructions.
- Instructions for creating the input files
- Periodic Table with configurations sorted after Z-number
after Symbols ............ Sorted after names - Binding Energies of electrons in Atoms
- New tool for plotting and picture export
- Preparing a report or note
Using the eps files and latex - hydrad.f The hydrogen w.f. code,
- herman.f The Herman-Skillman code,
- Makefile to produce the executables(advanced users).
- Instructions for Code compilation (advanced users).
Input files
- in2 - file for Helium, Z=2
- in6 - file for Carbon, Z=6
- in13 - file for Aluminium, Z=13
- in14 - file for Silicium, Z=14
- in18 - file for Argon, Z=18
- in28 - file for Nickel, Z=28
Visit the Stockholm Course for gnuplot instructions
Reference: http://www-troja.fjfi.cvut.cz/~ladi/Hartree/lindex.html