We shall go over what goes into an input file. This will start out with a summary breakdown of what the Herman-Skillman program, as given in the updated codes v04,v07, expects. Following that is a commented example for Zinc with discussions on key points. Also, there are plenty of sample Input Files to look at. Note that HS generally works with energy in Rydbergs.
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I. Look at the input as defined by READ lines.
2005 READ (5,3001) REC1,REC2,REC3 READ (5,9001) TITLE READ (5,100) KEY,TOL,THRESH,MESH,IPRATT,MAXIT,KUT,RADION,RATIO,ALPHA C READ IN NORMALIZED ATOMIC POTENTIAL; FORM BASED ON IF KEY = 0,1,2 IF(KEY-1)1203,208,14 1203 READ (5,1)(RU2(M),M=1,437,4) 208 READ (5,10)(RU3(M),M=1,441) 14 READ (5,10)(RU2(M),M=1,441) READ (5,10)(RU3(M),M=1,441) ENDIF 205 READ (5,3) Z,NCORES,NVALES,XION 210 READ (5,7)(NNLZ(I),WWNL(I),EE(I),I=1,NCSPVS)
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